To my shock and horror it looked as if someone had taken a high speed fan and placed it on the ground and proceeded to shit into the blades splattering fecal matter all over the toilet.. the porcelain looked as if it had freckles.. i quickly turned away from the train wreck that was this shit storm and decided to make due with the slightly cramping claustrophobic stall next door... its like comparing a Cadillac and a Pinto as far as accommodations amenities and leg room.. but any port in a storm.. that's what my third grade gym teacher said... or did he say "Do it Faggot!" but i digress...
Nothing could prepare me for what i was about to witness.. the door creaked open slowly and then i saw it.. the black hole.. the essence of pure evil.. i swear i saw a specter of a shit demon escape from its porcelain was... The Darkness... light could not penetrate it.. to look directly at it was a death warrant waiting to be signed.. pure evil was manifested out of a lowly mortals waste chute.. I must admit.. i was shocked.. i was scared.. but down in a guttural part of my brain i was fascinated.. i had forgotten why i had strolled into the bathroom on that faithful day.. i knew i needed to take action.. i quickly rushed back to alert my co worker of the experience i had just witnessed..
I must say the tale sounds unreal.. unnatural hard to believe so i was not shocked when he said he had to see it for himself.. we both took the trip together.. the eerie silence was still there.. the next thing i noticed..this being my second trip was the lack of odor....a sane person would think that pure evil would have a smell that would dull the mind and send people screaming into the night rending flesh from their bones while laughing like a lunatic. But that was not present.. it was calm and tranquil.. my buddy took one look at it and said "I have to get a picture of this.."
He returned shortly after with his Digital SLR and a tripod i had to laugh.. no one had come in but what would they think seeing two guys taking a picture of the devils afterbirth in a toilet? Honestly i could not care about what people would think.. it had to be documented.. after the picture was taken after further examination it was confirmed that the stuff from inside this porcelain prison was in fact natural.. it was not ink as i had first expected.. i could see the tell tail signs of bean skins..
I can tell you that sometimes my dreams are haunted by this sight.. i will attach a picture for your viewing.. but it is not for the feint of heart.. it should not be taken lightly either.. nor should this picture be viewed anywhere near the witching hour.. (around 3:00 am) as i am not sure what dark forces could be unleashed by this action... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

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